So the rather splendid, rather hyped Holy Fuck have released a split 12" with Foals on the equally splendid Young Turks label, home to said band. Being the super fellows that they are, Mr and Mrs Young Turk have let nice high quality digital downloads of each slice of the twelve inch cake available for download on their blog. It's pretty vocal-light reinvention of the now classic breakthrough single from the Oxford angle-rockers, but a completely awesome track in it's own right. What better way to celebrate Foals's immense return to the Engine Shed than with a fitting tribute to them? Which leads me round to... How many people saw Foals play at the Bivouac? A nice mention from Yannis on Friday night, but rumour has it a paltry twelve people attended their debut visit to Cathedral City. Shocking. Let's hope that when The Kabeedies return to the Engine Shed after going to the stratosphere and back, similar notoriety is attached to their first visit to the city! How could it not be...
[MP3] Holy Fuck - Balloons - Buy here.
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