Friday, September 04, 2009

Jose Vanders Is Nang

Jose Vanders returns to Lincoln this coming Tuesday, nearly a year and a half after her last visit, to showcase her upcoming album material. We sent Annabelle and Eleanor down to Leicester a few weeks ago to catch up with Jose and see what she's got in store.

Who influences you musically and how much do you think your songs are similar to the artists/bands who influence you?
There are definitely elements of everything I listen to in my songs. My dad has probably been the biggest influence on me; he always used to played me Joni Mitchell, James Taylor, Elton John, Simon and Garfunkel and Labi Siffre, as well as a lot of classical music. Also, Vanessa Carlton, Regina Spektor and Norah Jones, without these three ladies I definitely wouldn't be singing; I had no idea girls could get away with singing and playing piano at the same time!

Have any labels or producers wanted to sign and/or collaborate with you, if so whom and what has become of their interest?
I've been lucky enough to work with quite a few producers and songwriters, notably Futurecut, Blue May, Matty G and John Fortis which is great. John and I wrote the best ever pop song the other week it's so good. I also recorded in Abbey Road a couple of weeks ago which was insane! Oh my God it was amazing! That place reeks of money, and the nostalgia is incredible; they even had a fruit platter for the bands! I ate all the grapes and the apples, even though I think they were leftovers from the band before. Jeff Beck and Herbie Hancock were in the next room! Best Sunday evening of my life. As for labels, I've had interest from quite a few majors, but they all play the numbers game and it's rather pointless. I'm enjoying being unsigned, as naff as it sounds, travelling round in a Ford Fiesta full of friends and instruments is a pretty wonderful thing.

What's in the pipeline for the second half of this year and then 2010?
I am off to Bristol university next month to study English Literature, which I'm excited about. I plan to read lots, drink lots and meet lots of people, so hopefully this will leak into my music. Definitely gonna keep writing! I'll have so much more to write about, especially if I'm learning all the time! And maybe get some new found uni friends and start a rock band. That's definitely in the pipeline.

What type of animal do you think you are most like?
Well the twelve signs of the zodiac always hinted that I was a sheep. Apparently sheep aren't good with money, are disorganised, creative, well mannered, pessimistic and romantic which sounds exactly like me! I reckon a tiger though. I'm pretty selfish. and a fighter. Yeahhhh!

To what extent is your song Peter Pan influenced by the character/film?
Ahh that song was written with my friend Thom. I was hanging out in his house, he was playing guitar and there was the childrens book about Peter Pan lying on the floor, so I was just like ‘I'm gonna write a song about Peter Pan!' I don't think the song bears any relation to the story though, maybe it does on some weird level, not consciously though.

Are you looking forward to coming back to play in Lincoln?
SO MUCH. Haha I hope it's as good as last time. It's gonna be better, I can feel it!

What did you celebrate your 19th Birthday? Did it beat your 18th Birthday in Lincoln?
My 19th Birthday was a pile of crap. I went out in Maidstone, spent £1 buying a drink for my best friend, had a fight with my boyfriend, nearly kissed a guy with a ponytail and then went back to Dave's brother's house and woke up spooning Dave. Then I went straight to work on my actual Birthday and ate a lot of chocolate cake to make up for it. So no, it definitely didn't beat my 18th; that was the best weekend of my life!

If you were Superwoman for the day, what would you do and what powers would you have?
I'd probably be able to drive a flying minibus, and pile all my friends and family inside and fly to an island full of food, drink and music! It's a bit self-indulgent, and not very Superwoman like. I should really say something like save the world right?

Who's better, Barbie or Cindy?
Barbie, who else? I used to have so many Barbies, and the car! And the wardrobe, and a school and a shop. I literally saved up all my money for Barbies, and asked for Barbies every Christmas and Birthday. I was obsessed. It made me really sad when I went into a toystore the other day and there was this design your own electronic Barbie. You can't play with her and make her kiss a purple suited Ken can you? She's on a screen!

Who would you rather date and why: Harry Potter or Ron Weasley?
Totally Ron. I don't get the whole Harry thing. Daniel Radcliffe is not good looking at all. Not that Ron particularly is, but at least he's funny. Couldn't date anyone too serious.

And finally, which came first, the egg or the chicken?
Obviously the chicken. God made animals and put them on the ark right? I'm going out with a vicar's son. I know all about these things...

[FACEBOOK EVENT] Get more info on the show here.
[MYSPACE] Visit Jose on myspace here.