Giantess make pretty party-worthy jams. They're like the tequila-fuelled love-child of Iglu & Hartly and Hockey, with a raging doubt that Passion Pit might actually be the father. They've practically swallowed a Lego kit of synths and beats before spewing it up again with a scream of intent. Sensible songs these are not, but they are very fun. The same sort of fun as ending up getting it on in the bathroom at a houseparty; edgy and immense at the time but with a distinct bitter taste of regret in the morning.
Giantess balance a thin line between loveable and irritating, they're not perfect in any form. But for those brief three minutes of losing yourself in a mess of limbs and sweat, it's totally worth it. Much like houseparty fucks. We've got two tracks here, both courtesy of the impeccable tastes over at Neon Gold. Enjoy!
EDIT// Giantess have just confirmed their debut release on Neon Gold, pre-order link below. You can also head over to the Neon Gold blog to grab a fresh remix of Tuff N Stuff!
[MP3] Giantesss - You Were Young - (Alt Link)
[MP3] Giantesss - Tuff'n Stuff - (Alt Link)
[BUY] Pre-order Giantess debut 7" on Neon Gold here.
[MYSPACE] Find Giantesss on myspace here.
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