Sunday, February 08, 2009

We never quite got caught up in the buzz surrounding The Rakes back in the heady days of 2004/2005, or indulged too heavily in their debut Capture/Release. However, the superb World Was A Mess But His Hair Was Perfect has been slowly lodging itself into our heads over the past few months, alongside the rest of their fantastic sophomore album, Ten New Messages. Which brings us round to today and our discovery of the intriguing concept of Twestival, a kind of twitter-based music collective. I think... Anyway, the important part is that they're got a superb list of artists contributing tracks to download or stream over at Twestival.FM, one of which is this super new jam from The Rakes! You might have read about Twestival over at where they point out one of the most important parts of the project, it's commitment to secure donations to Charity: Water as a way of thanks for all the free music. The charity is "a non-profit [organisation] bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations", something we can't find much fault with. So enjoy the track we've grabbed for you, then head over to the Twestival site and spoil yourself. Go on, it's Sunday... Plus, you're no-one if you're not on Twitter.

[MP3] The Rakes - The Light From Your Mac
[TWESTIVAL] Go to for more info.
[DOWNLOAD] Get more exclusive tracks here.