So, rumours on the net are that there are "issues" with the Wombats gig on Friday the 1st. People say that the singer has an illness. That the band have an illness. Its all a bit unexplained, and nothing definite has been stated. I've been in contact with Steve Hawkins, the Bivouac's booking agent/manager, and as soon as anything is confirmed, he'll give the word. So far that hasn't happened, so keep your hopes high! I for one am looking forward to Friday night incredibly.

So, to tide your anxious ears over until the event that will/wont be Friday night, here is a gorgeous remix I recently stumbled across. As some of you will know, I headed down to the NME Tour at Nottingham on Saturday night, unfortunately missing an (apparently) cracking night at RaW. One of the highlights of the night for me was finally seeing The Little Ones live, after what seems like far too long of admiring their work from a distance. This song, "Lovers Who Uncover", is a past single from the UK. However, this Crystal Castles remix takes the already seminal catchy tune and infectious chorus created by Little Ones and warps it in to something altogether more nasty. A dirty, electro squelch of sound. A mess of 8-bit bleeps and effects, held together by a hypnotic bassline and a reasonably intact chorus vocal. Possibly one of the most catchy Crystal Castles remixes I've heard. This slice, along with others by the likes of Uffie and GoodBooks, shows why Crystal Castles are such an exciting force in the post-nu-rave comedown.
[MP3] The Little Ones - Lovers Who Uncover (Crystal Castles Remix) - Buy (minus this remix) here.
[BONUS MP3] Uffie - Make It Hott (Crystal Castles Remix) (thanks to We Were Rockstars).

So, to tide your anxious ears over until the event that will/wont be Friday night, here is a gorgeous remix I recently stumbled across. As some of you will know, I headed down to the NME Tour at Nottingham on Saturday night, unfortunately missing an (apparently) cracking night at RaW. One of the highlights of the night for me was finally seeing The Little Ones live, after what seems like far too long of admiring their work from a distance. This song, "Lovers Who Uncover", is a past single from the UK. However, this Crystal Castles remix takes the already seminal catchy tune and infectious chorus created by Little Ones and warps it in to something altogether more nasty. A dirty, electro squelch of sound. A mess of 8-bit bleeps and effects, held together by a hypnotic bassline and a reasonably intact chorus vocal. Possibly one of the most catchy Crystal Castles remixes I've heard. This slice, along with others by the likes of Uffie and GoodBooks, shows why Crystal Castles are such an exciting force in the post-nu-rave comedown.
[MP3] The Little Ones - Lovers Who Uncover (Crystal Castles Remix) - Buy (minus this remix) here.
[BONUS MP3] Uffie - Make It Hott (Crystal Castles Remix) (thanks to We Were Rockstars).